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18 holes to live with passion …
Inaugurated in 1993, it was designed by architect Piero Mancinelli and built in a predominantly wooded area once owned by the Visconti family.
This is not a particularly long course, but the many natural obstacles (trees, ponds, streams) often require placing the shot with particular attention to make the next one really easy.
The characteristic of the course is represented by the fact that there are six very large holes in the open, another six holes that wind through the woods, and finally six holes in a hilly area.
The design of the course allows, to play six, nine or eighteen holes always ending up near the club house.
The hilly holes offer breathtaking views of Monte Rosa and Lake Maggiore and makes the game stimulating and enjoyable for players of all levels, requiring care and game strategy.
A course to love, rather than to challenge.
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